Tuesday, March 8, 2016

You are welcome in 5 country if trump wins

Every election season, it seems like everybody threatens to move to Canada if their preferred candidate doesn't win.
But, if Google searches are any indication, 2016 could be the year that people actually go through with it.
But why limit relocation options to Canada?
If the thought of being on the same continent as a President Trump is too much to stomach, there are plenty of other countries that also have a fairly easy immigration process, decent economies and English as a widely-spoken language.
Pray for a future America you want to live in. But if that doesn't work, start filing for immigration status.

New Zealand

The open road that leads somewhere where Donald Trump is not president (Wanaka, New Zealand).
Image: cameron spencer / Getty Images
For Americans that are considering deserting their country, New Zealand developed an entire webpage to make leaving as easy as possible.
First, wannabe Kiwis register their interest, then sign up on a website that will tailor an easy-to-follow checklist for each visa application process.
Public healthcare in New Zealand is free or almost free for citizens, residents or those with two-year work visas. Plus, New Zealand's cities rated less expensive that most major American cities, even though the standard of living was the same.


The road to Dingle via the Connor Pass, a narrow, winding road through rocky glaciated mountains.
Image: john greim / LightRocket / Getty Images
Americans can stay in Ireland for up to three months without a visa. Any time longer than that will require going through immigrations.

The immigration process for Ireland is fairly easy — for those who can get a job there. The only other options are marrying an Irish person, having a baby on Irish soil, claiming refugee stats (Americans are not refugees), or becoming a student.
Or consider becoming an Irish citizen: It's easier than you might think. Even just having one great-grandparent who was born in Ireland and then moved to the states is qualification enough.
Why consider Ireland? The Irish are consistently ranked some of the friendliest people in the world — and Americans that are considering relocating will be in desperate need of friendship. Plus, a stroll on the moors is the ideal setting for brooding and cursing America.


Toronto, Ontario.
Image: roberto machado noa / LightRocket / Getty Images
The classic destination for exasperated Americans, the Great White North has been inundated with attention this week, and for good reason.
Canada has a very open immigration policy, with an express process for skilled workers. And they seem to be welcoming any and all to the country.
Cape Breton, an island in Nova Scotia, built an entire campaign off the fears of many Americans.
Canada's major cities are not that far removed from American cities, in terms of vibes. But Canada also offers plenty of wilderness for those need to drop off the grid for an entire four-year term. Also, immigrants to Canada will get a full year of free access to the country's national parks.
And hey, if Trump does get elected, maybe he'll build a wall on the Canadian border as well! Canadians can only hope.


Image: chris jackson / Getty Images
The unforgiving climate of Svalbard — a territory of Norway — may be more tolerable environment for some than Trump's America.
Also, it's probably the easiest place on Earth to relocate to: "No residence permit or visa is needed to settle on Svalbard," according to the government's pamphlet for foreigners.
However, disgruntled Americans that choose to take up in Svalbard are not entitled to social services. All residents of Svalbard must be able to provide for themselves financially and those who cannot may be "expelled or refused entry into Svalbard." You should also be able to defend yourself against polar bears.
Other than that, everybody who can handle living in the Arctic is welcome.


Stockholm, Sweden.
Image: flickr Editorial / Getty Images
Sweden is often lauded for its generous immigration policies. About 15% of the Swedish population is refugees and immigrants — 36% of them are from high-income countries.
The process of applying to immigrate to Sweden can be done online. An offer of employment in Sweden is the first step to getting a work visa, but you can spend a few months in the country without a visa while looking for a job.
It's also been named one of the best countries to be a woman and has the most progressive views regarding gender equality.

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