Thursday, July 21, 2016 alternative

It looks like the world’s most popular torrent website KickassTorrents is back with a new domain The website features the same layout and seems like a mirror of notorious torrent sharing website KAT. The original KickassTorrents domain was recently seized by the U.S. Government.
Just a couple of hours ago, I wrote a story telling you that U.S.Government has seized the different domains of KickassTorrents. The federal investigators also arrested Artem Vaulin, the alleged founder of the website.
We shared the story on our Facebook page and the fans of the website expressed their grief in large numbers. To my surprise, few of them commented the link of another website, claiming it to be a clone of KickassTorrents.
A click on the commented links took me to I don’t know if it’s an old website that’s a KickassTorrents alternative, or some KAT mirror that has resurrected the KickassTorrents website.

The website looks just like the world’s largest torrent website KAT, featuring the same layout and popup ads. 
kickasstorrent alternative dxtorrent
This revival has been welcomed by the KAT fans on Reddit, who are busy discussing their favorite KickassTorrents alternative.
Before facing this setback, KickassTorrents has been enjoying the status of theworld’s most popular torrent website, breaking into the top 70 websites in the world.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

pokemon go security issue

Pokémon GO, the mobile augmented reality game that has become hugely popular in record time, brings with it a lot of unexpected dangers.
Its popularity has been exploited by malware peddlers and scammers, but the game’s creators (Niantic Labs) have also inadvertently put users’ security and privacy at risk by failing to limit the permissions the app receives when users sign into it with their Google account.
The problem was first spotted by Adam Reeve.
After downloading and running the game, he was asked to log in. As he couldn’t create a separate account for it at the time, the only other option was to log in with his Google account, so he did.
The app did not note which permissions it asks, but Reeve proceeded anyway. After he logged in, he went to check which permissions the app was granted, and was shocked to see that it received full access to his Google account.
Pokémon GO
This means that the app, and the company behind it could read his emails and send emails in his name, access his search history, all the documents in his Google drive, photos in Google Photos, etc.
“What’s more, given the use of email as an authentication mechanism (think ‘Forgot password’ links) they now have a pretty good chance of gaining access to your accounts on other sites too,” he noted.
He posited that this situation was the result of “epic carelessness,” and not an attempt by the company to actually access players’ Google accounts.
Niantic effectively confirmed his theory with a public statement, saying that the problem was only found in the iOS version of the game, but made sure to note that the game only accesses players’ Google user ID and e-mail address.
“Once we became aware of this error, we began working on a client-side fix to request permission for only basic Google account information, in line with the data we actually access,” they explained. “Google has verified that no other information has been received or accessed by Pokémon GO or Niantic. Google will soon reduce Pokémon GO’s permission to only the basic profile data that Pokémon GO needs, and users do not need to take any actions themselves.”
With that problem out of the way, users still might want to know what information the app collects about them.
If they went through the game’s Privacy Policy carefully, they might already known, but too few users actually do that.
BuzzFeed reporter Joseph Bernstein has helpfully read through it and summarized the information.
“According to the Pokémon Go privacy policy, Niantic may collect – among other things – your email address, IP address, the web page you were using before logging into Pokémon Go, your username, and your location,” he noted.
“It also may share this information with other parties, including the Pokémon Company that co-developed the game, ‘third-party service providers,’ and ‘third parties’ to conduct ‘research and analysis, demographic profiling, and other similar purposes.’ It also, per the policy, may share any information it collects with law enforcement in response to a legal claim, to protect its own interests, or stop ‘illegal, unethical, or legally actionable activity.'”
This should not come as a surprise, as most mobile/location apps collect similar info, and through the Privacy Policy legally regulate the sharing of this data with other parties and law enforcement.


Jigsaw ransomware decrypter

If you are one of the victims of the Jigsaw ransomware there is a good news for you, experts from CheckPoint Security have defeated it once again.

Let’s start the day with a  good news, the Jigsaw ransomware has been decrypted again. The JIGSAW ransomware was first spotted in April when experts noticed that the threat slowly deletes victim’s files as he shilly-shally to pay the ransom. Jigsaw threatens to delete thousands of files an hour if the victim doesn’t pay 0.4 Bitcoins or $150, and if the victim restart the PC, 1,000 files will be deleted.
The BitcoinBlackmailer.exe reported that the JIGSAW ransomware will encrypt your files adding ‘.FUN’ extension. The author, in the Saw-movie style, displays the face of the character Billy the Puppet from the horror movie and then threatens to delete files if the ransom is not paid within a time limit.
JIGSAW ransomware 2
Malware experts at Check Point published a fix for machines infected by the ransomware.
The researchers were investigating the latest Jigsaw Ransomware variant (SHA256: 61AA800584B170FFE9959ACD057CCAF784BF3088E1D3AAB39D07C0793F6C03DF) and its false claims to steal users’ credentials and Skype history, we discovered the mechanism implemented by the threat to check whether payments have been made by the victim.
Once the victim decides to make the payment he will press the “I made a payment, now give me back my files!” button that triggers an HTTP GET request to:
the response consists in the json structure:
The researchers decided to make some tests by changing fields of the json, for example submitting the address of a Bitcoin account that holds the necessary amount of Bitcoins to decrypt the files. The experts changed the variable “balance” in the response from 0 to 10, in this way the JIGSAW ransomware believes the payment was successfully completed and starts the process of decrypting the files and removing itself from the infected PC.
“This got us thinking – what if we change the request, so it queries a different account? Perhaps one that holds the necessary amount of Bitcoins to decrypt our files? Or even better- what if we change the response to say we have the necessary amount? So we did. And it worked.” reads a blog post published by CheckPoint.
Victims of the JIGSAW ransomware can download the decryption tool here and follow the instructions step by step:
  1. Unpack the file.
  2. In the Jigsaw Puzzle Solver folder, right click ‘JPS.exe’ and click ‘run as administrator’.
  3. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Eleanor malware

A malicious application named EasyDoc delivers a sophisticated malware dubbed Eleanor malware that opens a Tor backdoor on the victim’s machine.
Experts from security firm Bitdefender have spotted a new malware, dubbed Eleanor malware (Backdoor.MAC.Eleanor), that once compromised Macs set up a backdoor through Tor network.
The malicious application, dubbed EasyDoc, pretend to be a file converter, unfortunately, it delivers a sophisticated malware on the victim’s machine. Once infected the target, the malicious code recruits it as part of a botnet or spies on the victim’s machine.
“The backdoor is embedded into a fake file converter application that is accessible online on reputable sites offering Mac applications and software. The EasyDoc poses as a drag-and-drop file converter, but has no real functionality – it simply downloads a malicious script.”  said Tiberius Axinte, Technical Leader, Bitdefender Antimalware Lab.
Once infected a Mac, the malware grants full access to the file system as reported by Bitdefender.
“This type of malware is particularly dangerous as it’s hard to detect and offers the attacker full control of the compromised system,” 
The Backdoor.MAC.Eleanor malware sets up a hidden Tor service and a PHP web server, it exposes a .onion domain that could be accessed by the attacker to control the bot.
Eleanor malware Tor
The Eleanor malware is able to use the camera on the infected machine by using the open-source toolwacaw. The attacker is able to take pictures of the victims and blackmail them.
Every infected Mac is associated with a Tor address, all the addresses are stored on using a PasteBin agent. The addresses are encrypted with a public key using RSA and base64 algorithms.
The malicious app used to deliver the Eleanor malware is not digitally signed by Apple, this means that by downloading applications exclusively from official store and reputable websites.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Ransomware hit university

More than 2.3 million computer users have been targeted with ransomware during the last year, security researchers at Kaspersky Labs concluded in a report published last week.
It’s not just academic institutions and businesses which are targeted. On Friday, for example, Forbes reported that a NASCAR racing team recently agreed to pay an undisclosed amount after suffering from an infection.
Cyber insurance didn’t keep the University of Calgary from recently paying roughly $15,000 after being hit by hackers, but a college official said other schools should consider buying coverage after seeing first-hand how costly a cyberattack can be.
Speaking publicly about the incident Friday afternoon, Linda Dalgetty, the university’s vice president of finance and services, credited a cyber insurance policy purchased last year with helping the school bounce back after email and other services were suspended due to ransomware — an increasingly popular type of malware that encrypts compromised files and holds them hostage until a payment is made to cybercriminals.
“We can prevent as much as we can, but the reality is that cyber-criminals are very smart,” said Ms. Dalgetty according to the Calgary Herald. “They’re prolific, they’re everywhere and I don’t know of any entities that have not had some level of incursion.”
Global consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers has predicted the cyber insurance industry will be worth $7.5 billion by the end of the decade, and Rep. John Ratcliffe — who chairs the House’s Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies — recently called such policies a “valuable free-market tool in the ongoing effort to better defend ourselves against cyber risks.


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

You are welcome in 5 country if trump wins

Every election season, it seems like everybody threatens to move to Canada if their preferred candidate doesn't win.
But, if Google searches are any indication, 2016 could be the year that people actually go through with it.
But why limit relocation options to Canada?
If the thought of being on the same continent as a President Trump is too much to stomach, there are plenty of other countries that also have a fairly easy immigration process, decent economies and English as a widely-spoken language.
Pray for a future America you want to live in. But if that doesn't work, start filing for immigration status.

New Zealand

The open road that leads somewhere where Donald Trump is not president (Wanaka, New Zealand).
Image: cameron spencer / Getty Images
For Americans that are considering deserting their country, New Zealand developed an entire webpage to make leaving as easy as possible.
First, wannabe Kiwis register their interest, then sign up on a website that will tailor an easy-to-follow checklist for each visa application process.
Public healthcare in New Zealand is free or almost free for citizens, residents or those with two-year work visas. Plus, New Zealand's cities rated less expensive that most major American cities, even though the standard of living was the same.


The road to Dingle via the Connor Pass, a narrow, winding road through rocky glaciated mountains.
Image: john greim / LightRocket / Getty Images
Americans can stay in Ireland for up to three months without a visa. Any time longer than that will require going through immigrations.

The immigration process for Ireland is fairly easy — for those who can get a job there. The only other options are marrying an Irish person, having a baby on Irish soil, claiming refugee stats (Americans are not refugees), or becoming a student.
Or consider becoming an Irish citizen: It's easier than you might think. Even just having one great-grandparent who was born in Ireland and then moved to the states is qualification enough.
Why consider Ireland? The Irish are consistently ranked some of the friendliest people in the world — and Americans that are considering relocating will be in desperate need of friendship. Plus, a stroll on the moors is the ideal setting for brooding and cursing America.


Toronto, Ontario.
Image: roberto machado noa / LightRocket / Getty Images
The classic destination for exasperated Americans, the Great White North has been inundated with attention this week, and for good reason.
Canada has a very open immigration policy, with an express process for skilled workers. And they seem to be welcoming any and all to the country.
Cape Breton, an island in Nova Scotia, built an entire campaign off the fears of many Americans.
Canada's major cities are not that far removed from American cities, in terms of vibes. But Canada also offers plenty of wilderness for those need to drop off the grid for an entire four-year term. Also, immigrants to Canada will get a full year of free access to the country's national parks.
And hey, if Trump does get elected, maybe he'll build a wall on the Canadian border as well! Canadians can only hope.


Image: chris jackson / Getty Images
The unforgiving climate of Svalbard — a territory of Norway — may be more tolerable environment for some than Trump's America.
Also, it's probably the easiest place on Earth to relocate to: "No residence permit or visa is needed to settle on Svalbard," according to the government's pamphlet for foreigners.
However, disgruntled Americans that choose to take up in Svalbard are not entitled to social services. All residents of Svalbard must be able to provide for themselves financially and those who cannot may be "expelled or refused entry into Svalbard." You should also be able to defend yourself against polar bears.
Other than that, everybody who can handle living in the Arctic is welcome.


Stockholm, Sweden.
Image: flickr Editorial / Getty Images
Sweden is often lauded for its generous immigration policies. About 15% of the Swedish population is refugees and immigrants — 36% of them are from high-income countries.
The process of applying to immigrate to Sweden can be done online. An offer of employment in Sweden is the first step to getting a work visa, but you can spend a few months in the country without a visa while looking for a job.
It's also been named one of the best countries to be a woman and has the most progressive views regarding gender equality.

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Links are working in firefox or update your flashplayer. (If not working links will upload new links within some hour), I am not doing any piracy I am only helping thank you.

Link 1 (slow working)  (slow loading)

Link 2 (working in firefox)   (working)  (working)

Link 3 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Nepal top list in google search term hacking

Google Trends is a public web facility of Google based on Google Search, that shows how often a particular search term is entered relative to the total search volume across various regions of the world. Research team from Rigo Technology analyzed few search terms related to topic “Hacking” and interestingly found out that Nepal tops the list worldwide on several of those search terms.
Hacking Infographics
As per our infographics prepared by analyzing Google trends, Nepal surprisingly surpasses all other countries on most googled competitive keywords such as
With Internet being accessible to everyone, it looks like every other teenager and people connected to The Internet are particularly interested in Hacking. Which also explains the reason behind the sudden rise of Cyber Crimes we have seen in recent few years. There have been several high-profile attacks on the governmental sector and public organization and the current situation is already worst in itself. The situation is inevitably going to worsen even more as implied by our infographics.
Now is the time for us to focus on strengthening our security infrastructure and get ourselves prepared for the Cyber attacks that are going to be very technical and intricate in near future.
- See more at: - See more at:
Reference: Rigo 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Adwind RAT malware

KasperskyLab recently found an unusual malware which was found in banks of Singapore. This malware is named in different terms as Adwind RAT (Remote Access Tool), AlienSpy, Frutas, Unrecom, Sockrat, JSocket, and jRat. It is developed in java which makes it multi-platform malware and is available to purchase in dark forums. According to the author, the backdoor component(called the server) can keep running on Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Android stages giving rich capabilities to remote control, information gathering, information ex-filtration and supports sidelong development.
The researchers would like to encourage enterprises to review the purpose of using a Java platform and to disable it for all unauthorized sources.

What exactly is Adwind?

Adwind is a cross-platform, multifunctional backdoor, which can run on Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Android OS.

Is this a nation-state sponsored campaign?

This is not a nation-state sponsored campaign. We believe that it was developed and used mostly by cybercriminals.

Who are the victims? / What can you say about the targets of the attacks?

The victims range from random people that launched the malware following an opportunistic attack to specific organizations, most of which are small and medium-sized businesses.

How did you become aware of this threat? Who reported it?

From one of our partners we received part of an email with a .JAR attachment. The profile of the partner company and the contents of the email indicated a targeted attack attempt. While the partner was not compromised we decided to check the attachment, which led us to the malware platform.

How does Adwind infect computers?

Adwind doesn’t self-infect computers or spread automatically. It relies on user interaction: double-clicking the .JAR attachment in the email or doing the same from an archive. Alternatively, it can be spread via other containers like .hta or .vbs files, which install Java if it’s not available on the system and download the main Adwind.JAR file from a remote server.

Are the attackers using any zero-day vulnerabilities?

We have not seen attackers using zero-day vulnerabilities together with Adwind.

What exactly is being stolen from the target machines?

Limited only by the intelligence needs of the attackers, the malware can:
  • collect keystrokes
  • steal cached passwords and grab data from web forms
  • take screenshots
  • take pictures and record video from the webcam
  • record sound from the microphone
  • transfer files
  • collect general system and user information
  • steal keys for cryptocurrency wallets
  • manage SMS (for Android)
  • steals VPN certificates

Is this a Windows-only threat? Which versions of Windows are targeted? Are there Mac OS X or Linux variants?

This malware is capable of running on any platform that has a modern Java runtime environment installed, which includes all Java-supported versions of Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and potentially other platforms which run Java.

Have you seen any evidence of a mobile component – iOS, Android or BlackBerry?

We have seen Adwind .apk files that can run on Android OS, however iOS and BlackBerry are out of the scope of this platform.

It seems Adwind is all about Java. Why do you think it is so?

Java applications by design should be platform independent. While certain system architectures are quite specific and there is a set of Java libraries designed for them, general purpose code may run on any system that has a Java runtime environment installed. This makes Java a very convenient platform for which to develop malware that can run on any platform.

Do you know the total number of victims?

We have our own estimate of targets attacked by this malware. It is more than 443,000 covering the period from 2013 to the beginning of 2016.

What is the geography of victims?

The geography of victims changed over time. In 2013, Arabic and Spanish-speaking countries were the top targets. In 2014, the most attacked countries were Turkey and India, followed by UAE, the US and Vietnam. In 2015, Russia was the most attacked country, with UAE and Turkey again near the top, along with the USA, Turkey and Germany.

What are the attacked industries?

During their investigation the Kaspersky Lab researchers were able to analyze nearly 200 examples of spear-phishing attacks organized by unknown criminals to spread the Adwind malware, and were able to identify the industries most of the targets worked in:
  • Manufacturing
  • Finance
  • Engineering
  • Design
  • Retail
  • Government
  • Shipping
  • Telecom
  • Software
  • Education
  • Food production
  • Healthcare
  • Media
  • Energy
Based on information from Kaspersky Security Network, the 200 examples of spear-phishing attacks observed in the six months between August 2015 and January 2016 resulted in Adwind RAT malware samples being encountered by more than 68,000 users.

Who are the clients of Adwind? Where are they from? How many? Are they APT actors?

To begin with, Adwind only had a Spanish interface; however it now also has an English interface and is recognized by cybercriminals from many countries. We believe that clients of the Adwind platform fall into the following categories:
  1. Scammers that want to move to the next level (using malware for more advanced fraud)
  2. Unfair competitors
  3. Cyber-mercenaries (spies for hire)
  4. Private individuals that want to spy on people they know

How is this different from any other APT attack?

Adwind is not an APT attack. It is a platform with rich capabilities that cybercriminals can use to conduct cyber-espionage.

Are there multiple variants of Adwind? Are there any major differences in the variants?

There have been multiple generations of Adwind, which has been continuously developed and supported since at least 2012. The differences are mostly about malware features and available modules, however all variants rely on the same basic scheme of client-server communication. It’s designed to send commands in an ad-hoc manner, which introduces a constraint of controlling a large number of compromised machines. We believe that it’s not suitable for even medium-sized botnets and used only for targeted network penetrations.

Is the command-and-control servers used by Adwind still active? Have you been able to sinkhole any of the C&Cs?

The Adwind malware is used by hundreds of criminals, which means that there are hundreds of command and control servers. Some of them are down, some are up, the others are turned on as required. It’s not easy and not efficient to take them down in the traditional way. Most of them rely on free Dynamic DNS providers and are not real domain registrations.

Who is responsible for this threat?

We cannot speculate publically about attribution.

How long have the attackers been active?

The users of Adwind malware have been active since at least 2012 with a large spike of users at the end of 2015.

Did the attackers use any interesting/advanced technologies?

Generally speaking, the Java platform is not a common platform for malware at all. It is mainly related to the requirement of having a Java runtime environment on the victim’s system, the size of the generated code and availability of decompilers for Java classes. The author of the Adwind malware attempted to solve all these problems by introducing a number of workarounds.

Does Kaspersky Lab detect all variants of this malware?

Kaspersky Lab products detect all variants of this malware that we know about. The full list is available in the Appendix of our public report.

Are there Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) to help victims identify the intrusion?

Yes, there are many known domains and IP addresses used by the Adwind attackers. The full list is available in the Appendix of our public report.

What is JSocket? How long does it exist?

JSocket is the latest reincarnation of Adwind RAT, and available through online subscription. It was launched in June 2015 and is still running.

What is the problem with just interrupting the JSocket service?

Interrupting the service by suspending the domain or taking down the server wasn’t efficient in the past and led to yet another rebranding and restart of the platform.

What is the difference between JSocket and Adwind?

The Adwind RAT and the JSocket RAT are based on the same source code and were most likely developed by the same author. While Adwind was abandoned some time ago, JSocket still exists and is just another “brand” of the same RAT. As JSocket is the latest variant of the backdoor it has many more features and a rebuilt UI.

How many people you think are behind the whole MaaS platform?

We believe that the platform is in the hands of just one hardworking individual, who sometimes outsources tasks to external developers.

You estimated the revenue of the whole service as 200k per year. How did you calculate this figure?

Based on users’ activity on the internal message board and some other observations, we estimated a number of users in the system as 1,800 by the end of 2015. By making certain assumptions on the percentage of paid accounts, service costs and most probable distribution of the paid customers, we concluded that such a service may generate up to $200K USD annually. However, this is just an estimation of revenue, which doesn’t necessarily mean that the author has already received this money. One important fact is that the latest version of the portal was launched only in summer 2015.
- See more at:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

A robot Salamander

Roboticist Auke Ijspeert designs biorobots, machines modeled after real animals that are capable of handling complex terrain and would appear at home in the pages of a sci-fi novel. The process of creating these robots leads to better automata that can be used for fieldwork, service, and search and rescue. But these robots don't just mimic the natural world — they help us understand our own biology better, unlocking previously unknown secrets of the spinal cord.

Apple pay

Both Bank Of America and Wells Fargo are working on integrating Apple Pay into their ATMs, according to a source familiar with the teams on the projects. Engineers at both companies have been placed on multi-month assignments to build the Apple Pay options. I’ve confirmed the identity of at least one engineer who publicly lists themselves as a Bank Of America employee.
Wells Fargo’s head of ATMs Jonathan Velline implied Apple Pay would come to its ATMs. He confirmed that “We’ve been working on the technology that allows us to hook to digital wallets, leveraging NFC on mobile phones to replace the card at the transaction at the ATM. Right now the wallet that we support is Android Pay.”
Velline continued “But we’re also looking at lots of different mobile wallets and evaluating which ones are going to be appropriate for our customers. We’ll likely add more mobile wallets throughout the year. We recognize our customers are going to have lots of different types of wallets based on their device, based on their bank, based on their OS, and we’re going to continue to find the right balance of which wallets we’re going to support. Right now the initial launch is with Android Pay, but that doesn’t limit us from considering other mobile wallets.”
Apple Pay Bank Of AmericaWhen I pressed harder and asked if that meant Apple Pay would likely be one of those mobile wallets, he admitted with a laugh “I think that’s a good assessment.”
When asked about whether its ATMs would work with Apple Pay, Bank Of America’s Consumer Banking Products press representative Betty Riess told me “We already have number of mobile wallet programs…” implying Apple Pay could join them.
She confirmed that Bank Of America is “currently developing a new cardless ATM solution. This solution will enable customers to leverage NFC (near field communication) technology on their smart phone in order to authenticate and complete transactions at a Bank of America ATM.  We will roll out this capability in late February with associates at select ATMs in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, Charlotte, New York and Boston followed by a broader roll out to customers mid year.” The Charlotte Observer reported news of the cardless ATMs yesterday but didn’t specify that Apple Pay would be involved.
Riess requested to double-check what she could say specifically about Apple Pay. When she called me back regarding the ATMs, she was more reserved, saying “At this point we’re not confirming which phones they’ll work with.” But the iPhone is by far the most popular phone in the U.S., so this all meshes with our source saying Bank Of America is working on Apple Pay for ATMs.
Apple also did not respond to a request for comment. Bank Of America and Wells Fargo competitor Chase recently announced it will be rolling out cardless ATMs this year.
While it’s unclear exactly how Apple Pay at ATMs would work, it would likely allow people to withdraw money without needing their debit card or credit card. That could be especially useful if someone lost or forgot their wallet or card.
Card Skimmer
Using NFC and Apple Pay could thwart fraud made possible by card skimmers like this one, from Krebs On Security
Users would likely tap their phone to the ATM’s NFC point, which would bring up the passcode or thumbprint verification screen on the phone. Once confirmed, users would be able to access some ATM functionality as if they’d inserted their card and entered their pin.
Working with Apple Pay could also save the banks money by protecting against fraud. It’s much easier to duplicate a credit card than an iPhone. Apple Pay can be set to require a fingerprint scan, which ATMs don’t offer. Apple Pay passcodes can also be long and complex, compared to the simple 4-digit pin codes used on debit cards.
Most importantly, Apple Pay would thwart the use of card skimmers. These devices fit over the front of ATMs as a fake facade, and then steal the information from cards inserted into them. Switching to NFC and mobile phones would prevent this since there would be no card involved.
These anti-fraud incentives and consumer interest in the convenience of using NFC to withdraw money could spur banks to race to integrate Apple Pay.
[Image Credit: Alex]

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

“Xunpes” Linux Trojan

Dr. web security firm had found a new trojan that has been targeting Linux machine named “Xunpes”, Dr. web registered “Xunpes” in their virus database with name Linux.BackDoor.Xunpes.1This trojan is capable of putting backdoor and dropper to perform malicious functions on the infected machine. The dropper was built using Lazarus, a free cross-platform IDE for the Free Pascal compiler and contains the backdoor in its body.
After dropper is launched, backdoor which is stored in unencrypted form in droppers’ body is saved into /tmp/.ltmp folder. The researcher had warned the second component of this trojan is responsible for all malicious activities on the infected machine. Once launched, the backdoor written in C decrypts the configuration file using the key that is hard-coded in its body. Its configuration parameters include a list of C&C servers and proxy servers addresses and other information necessary for the correct operation of the malicious program. After that, the Trojan establishes a connection to the server and waits for commands from cyber criminals.
Dr. web also reveals this trojan can be executed using 40 commands, to steal user information, key logging, and screenshots.
Moreover, the security analysts found that the Trojan can send record names in a specified directory and can transfer files to the server and that it can create, delete, and rename files and folders. Besides, the cybercriminals behind the malware can utilize it to execute bash commands, send information about the machine and the .default.conf record, close determined windows, and others.