Monday, February 24, 2014

Open Data Day 2014

Open Data Day kickoff in kathmandu, Nepal at GPF building where open community like FOSS Nepal, Wikipedia Nepal, Open Knowledge Nepal, Mozilla Nepal and other community gather in the same place to celebrate it. In this day Mozilla Nepal team visualize the data with the help of thimble, Open Spending Nepal introduce portfolio of like wise wikipedia Nepal was lauching their wiki school in the event. 
This event was taken lead by Wikipedia Nepal with the collaboration of other open community, in open data day we had quite numbers of visitor who are interested about concept of openness. I was in openspending team so I couldn't attend formal discussion but from the visitor we had found they are quite interested about "open community" in Nepal. 
In data day our main focus was to launched our portfolio which will track every Nepal government spending and visualized in the simple matter so it can be understand by normal citizen to data geek. Likewise the data we will be visualizing will be from authentic website and concern department, data will be in readable format and can be used any where. In this website we had added some feature like about comment method where normal citizen can comment about spending and budget they get in their area where it is spend correctly or not so that later government can review these comment making their survey and giving full effort to the development of nation.

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