Friday, January 10, 2014

My year 2013

Year 2013, was one of the best year I ever had. In year 2013, I got chance to get involve in many local communities like FOSS Nepal, Mozilla Nepal, Open Knowledge Foundation Nepal, Wikipedia Nepal, Arduino Nepal and SQA Nepal. By involving in local community, contributing and learning from these groups are one of the great achievement that I have. 
Being an IT student this communities helps me to boost up my knowledge and get chance to know about new technology and new products which I can not get in before years. 
Talking about my education I will say again a best year because I got scholarship for 2 semester, been selected from college for the Chisapani trek where only 50 students were selected which was one of the awesome trek I ever had even I get sick when we reach to the destination i.e. chisapani. 
Another one of the most memorable event was volunteer from college for the graduation ceremony which was held in Yak and Yeti Hotel. I will say it as one of the greatest and biggest event organized by the college. 
Again one of the best and biggest surprise I ever had was my childhood friend Kiren whom we meet after 15 years thanks to social media which make this possible. I nearly cried when I see her because of happiness

Will be writing more :) !! 

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