Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Open as free to use share and modify, OKF Nepal give presentation on topic OpenData & OpenSpending which was held on 2nd ASCOL Open Expo 16 September 2013. OpenData was presented by Prakash Neupane Ambassador for Open knowledge foundation Nepal and OpenSpending from Manish Dangol.
Prakash Neupane start the presented with topic what is OpenData? What is public Data? Why Public Data Must be in Open format?
According to the "A piece of data or content is open if anyone is free to use, reuse, and redistribute it — subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and/or share alike.” 
PublicData mean a data which can be easily available to the public are known as publicData e.g. Country budget, public university/school budget etc. 
Each year every country issue huge amount of budget for the development of nation for public but due to in long listed format in pdf, excel or in document format normal public can't read it or they need specific software to view these data. Even if some people have all the requirement they can't understand it. So, the OpenData is build on the concept of easily accessible, machine readable.

Manish Dangol presented on the topic what is OpenSpending? Why OpenSpending Data? and some examples of OpenSpending Data?
Openspending is about mapping the money from where the money comes, goes and what the output of that money. OpenSpending is the data sharing community which tracks and visualize the ever government and financial transaction transaction across the world. Is it the group of the contributors which find openspending data, Clean it and visualize it so even normal people can understand the data.
First of all  OpenSpending data make public to explore and understand the data. It will help government and public to know how they are spending money and what will be the outcome with the help of the visualization.
Gapminder  World: This is a simple tool which help normal people to understand the GDP of each country. : This is a website which help UK taxpayer to know where their money are spend? how much money are spend in food, security, health transportation and many more.   
Since presentation were related to government spending, development of the country, new and  interesting topic to the listener, listener kept keen interest on OpenData and OpenSpending and eager to know much more on this.
Finally, end of the presentation, we hope from ASCOL Open Expo presentation we could see more members on OpenData. 

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