Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mozilla Meetup III

In the 9th birthday of Mozilla, not only worldwide in Nepal also team Mozilla Nepal celebrates with Mozilla meetup III. It was celebrated in the SAP Falcha, Babarmahal, Kathamandu, Nepal. Where FSA from different colleges, Mozilla reps and Mozilla lovers are gathered and discuss for the past events future plan for the development of the Mozilla.

The event was started with the good news of added of Nepali locale in Firefox OS. The event was introduced by Mozilla Reps. Surit Aryal and Aavash Mulmi. They discuss about the past events how can contributor can contribute in the Mozilla. They make clear that for contributing to the mozilla not only the technical person but also non technical person can contribute in the mozilla in different sector. They list out the contribution page which was really amazing.

Moving towards the event president of FOSS Nepal Subir Pradhanang, open his speech with theme "Open Web For Open Education" . Mr. Pradhanang gives importance of why Open web is important of the open education how they can help to develop the nation and education.

Nootan Ghimire talked about FSA (what he call Fun Student Activity) he points out the difficult, challenges, benefit faced by the FSA in the colleges. After completion of the Nootan Speech Mr. Dadiram Nepal start questionnaire for the participants which was really interactive. Soon, Q/A session was off their was birthday celebration program and lucky draw for 5 Mozilla T-shirt among participants which was really fun.

In addition Mozilla team make 4-5 participants in the group to analyze about the SWOT of the FSA and Mozilla Nepal community. Groups give their own SWOT analysis from which I think strength was of its open source and large no. of contributors, weakness was it focus only on city areas rather than village areas, Opportunity was developing localization soon and moving Mozilla in rural areas too and Threat was other operating system like IOS, Andriod.

After the SWOT analysis event move towards the presentation of Women Empowerment by Shristi which was awesome speech all were seems satisfied with hey presentation.

Finally at the end of the Event there was questionnaire for all participants which was really awesome. Following the Q/A session all participants move for the delicious dinner.

It was one of the good event i have attend so far thanks to Mozilla Nepal team.